Friday, April 21, 2006

Sudoku Online

Sudoku Online
How hard can it be to fill a 9x9 grid with the numbers one to nine so that every row contains one of each digit and every column and every 3x3 square does too. Your skills must be logic and reason, is this why the appeal of sudoku is so wide and growing day by day?The game of sudoku has been known in Japan for quite sometime. Sudoku is however relatively new to the rest of us though. Having appeared as something of a novelty puzzle in a British newspaper in 2004 sudoku then went on to international popularity a year later. Since then the spread of sudoku has been phenomenal to a point where it is regularly printed in newspapers, magazines, online and now sudoku puzzles are even available on mobile phones. There has even been a sudoku world championships which was won by a lady from the Czech Republic.Sudoku has been compared to the rubics cube in its sudden popularity and addictive nature. I believe that it is not a fad however and its following will not dwindle in numbers due to the fact that sudoku is not one unique puzzle with one unique solution. Every time you start a new game of sudoku you are set a new challenge even though the rules stay the same.It is good to see people enjoying using their brains on sudoku pitting themselves against games that can be easy, medium or devilishly hard. You can find your own level to start with and then increase in difficulty with practice. There are many free online sudoku games available so your addiction to these devious sudoku can be satisfied. The main thing is that you have fun with sudoku.This is a link to a website that I found.They will send you a medium difficulty free sudoku puzzle by email everyday all you have to do is sign up,200030032.index.html
They also offer a free 30 day trial to their sudoku pro software that offers various levels of difficulty along with the option of different size grids if you are feeling more adventurous. There is also the option to print them out or to email them to a friend. This should keep you busy for a while.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Sudoku Online

Welcome to my sudoku online blog. Here I hope to bring you the best resources of sudoku online to help you enjoy sudoku even more.